Friday 21 August 2015

21 August 1915

Sick sent away increasing daily - Serg. Hannah, Len Dewar today.
Have splendid possie here with cooking, dug-out shelves etc., up to dick. Battleships bombarding up at Anafarta Bay this evening.
Big attack on "Burnt Hill: (Hill 70) which was captured but lost in night.
L.H. (red and white) went to relieve 2 Batn in trenches captured from Turks on Lone Pine Ridge. The Turks know how to dig trenches and also how to build them. Some parts of the captured ones are model of safety and comfort, fine bomb-proof shelter and excellent sniper look outs. Many dead are still unburied up the gully. Some saps are full of bodies and are simply filled in - nothing else can be done with them. The Doctor is now showing consideration to the ones who have stuck to their jobs here right from the start, and he is sending many of them away for a spell.
 Dismounted English Yeomanry joined in attack on Burnt Hill advance across Salt Lake, Inscription on Turkish Shells- Death to my enemies.

Thursday 20 August 2015

20 August 1915

Change of weather. Cold snap. 6 hospital ships in anchorage this morning. Some small 3 pounder shells whisked over us very close to our home. One struck poor chap in 11th Btn further on. Saw him with one leg right off, the other mashed, morphia was injected and he seemed to be bearing up well, but died on way out to hospital ship. Issued with 1½ eggs per man.
C.M.R. (N.Z.) casualties on Aug 21st.
Wounded C. Cowan (Thigh), C. West, W. Gray.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

19 August 1915

Howitzers from this flank being shifted to Left, another big move on the cards there. Saw 30 of 11th sent away sick in one batch. 3rd Bdge is run down with hard work. Kirkwood (sig.) sent away sick

Tuesday 18 August 2015

18 August 1915

 Ninth Btn moved along into Tasmania Post. Lieut Chambers O.C. D Coy.

Monday 17 August 2015

17 August 1915

Capt Campbell went away sick. Kempshill, Corp Bell, Reinger with old bullet wound

Sunday 16 August 2015

16 August 1915

More sick (14) sent away. Two Sharps Ward T. Reardon, Butler of 6th Ninth. The doctors of each Battalion signed declaration that Brigade is unfit for duty on account of sickness. Round to left near Turkish prisoners camp viewing shrapnel bursting over Anafarla, W. Ridges and range beyond. “Jack Johnsons” bursting on Sandy flat was No 2 Outpost searching for a howitzer battery there. Gen. Birdwood congratulated the “boys” of Aust. & NZ division on their fine night march and subsequent work last Saturday. 15th came under M.G. fire while advancing in single file and was cut up badly. Wellington Hundred’s bore the brunt of N.Z. losses. Rumour of torpedoing of transport “Royal Edward” on 14th inst. confirmed over 1000 Tommies drowned. Rum issue cut out.

Saturday 15 August 2015

15 August 1915

Notice new 6 inch howitzer up gully behind 2nd Btn trenches. Great piles of captured equipment there – also Turkish rifles and bayonets, trenching forks etc. indicating the heavy losses of last week. Dead are still being brought out – saw 15 this morning, some in canvas boarded jackets and limed. Many bodies charred. Daily rum issue still continues. Heard R.Q.M.S was arrested for being tight. Some wounded returned, a few from England, singing praises for the good time they had. Marquerson, W. Cooper, Hughes sent away sick.