Saturday, 4 April 2015

Easter Sunday

Leaving about the middle of next week. Many of us, no doubt, not coming back. A queer mixture of men. There is the adventurous element that could not resist the allurement of a fight. There are the men getting on to middle life, mild failures in their own calling, who recognise this as their supreme chance to make good. There are husbands tired of married life; husky young fellows tired of the monotony of home. looking forward to the trip; “spielers"on the make, genteel clerks and the like, who find it very trying to associate with the "working class,” but who joined up for very shame’s sake; many grey platoons of Australian workers, out of work, in the game because it means a steady job and steady pay. Brown skinned, clear eyed, reckless, yet shrewd, these will be the backbone of our army. They find it hard as yet to knuckle down to discipline; but wait and see them in the real thing. They are sure to make good. 
(added) April 25. They did make good.


  1. "Many of us, no doubt, not coming back." Say's it all. Even then many had the thought that this was a one way trip, but still went anyway.
