Friday, 31 July 2015

31 July 1915

More heavy artillery duels. Rum issue. Preparations are on foot to storm a forward trench opposite Tasman Post tonight. One platoon of D Coy. Lieut. Chambers, Serg. Kenyon taking part. We lay out in what field protecting flank of attacking party.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

30 July 1915

Awakened by sharp blow on arm at 3am caused by flying piece of stone from bomb which burst down the gully. Drew tin of milk in lottery. Sale of milk etc. now prohibited, as some of the ASC have been “pinching” tinned stuff belonging to the army. Olive Grove and Achi Bada bombarded.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

28 July 1915

More bombs and howitzers during night. This morning before daylight at "stand to" time heard Turkish trumpet sound call immediately followed by heavy rifle fire in centre maintained for half hour. We awaited attack but nothing happened at our end in spite of this being the "Feast of  Ramagan" [Ramadan] a national Turkish festival. Bomb fell near our possie sending down dirt and riddling some equipment with holes. Total British causalities on Gallipoli to end of May 37000, officers killed 500, men killed 7000. (from "News of the World", official figures) 
DCM's awarded to 9th Batn -"Darky" Kenyon, Geo. Robey, S.S.M. Steel, Lieut. Benson, Lieut. Finley wounded yesterday is NOT dead (reported dead). Went through seven campaigns. 
13 more caught by shell on the beach. A sapper of A Coy killed by sniper. Several more hit on road today, one at latrines.

Monday, 27 July 2015

27 July 1915

 11th Battn. who have been resting, relieved 12th. One of the nearby promoted officers, Findley of B Coy, a capable Gt. imperial man, had the hard luck to be hit this morning. A bad shrapnel wound in the back. Young Galway, returns, also J. O'Donnell.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

26 July 1915

Grumpy Addis hit by sniper in hand and close to eye – a narrow escape. Many sick parade daily. Average of 4 per day serious cases sent away from Batn. High explosive howitzers are lobbing very close to position of Kentish and Glascow batteries in gully beneath us. One shell dropped among group of 12 men on beach today. Two killed outright, one had both legs blown off, the remainder wounded. Surely there is some arrangement possible that would reduce these losses on the beach. Daily fatigue parties of men are sent down there by the Q.M.Ss of Battalions on trifling errands that could be easily performed after dark. A heavy toll is taken along the sea frontage among these beach parties. Legitimate losses in the actual firing line are surely heavy enough without exposing men to this unnecessary danger.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

25 July 1915

On duty all day. Usual routine. No sign of the expected attack yet, which we are eagerly awaiting!

Friday, 24 July 2015

24 July 1915

 Inoculated again. Tin of milk for 2/-. Navel 4.7 siege gun is being shifted to new pit – without firing a shot, and enemy know her exact locality, and have dropped shells on position. Turks have sapped to within 20 yds of Tasmania post and during last night broke sap in and sand-bagged it up. There will be something doing here directly. 12th are going out tonight to capture it. Sinclair  MacLaggan, Brigade Colonel promoted to Brigadier General.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

23 July 1915

We are now supplied with new kind of respirator – a flannel helmet saturated with chemical, and with sheet of mica to see through which fits over head and neck. Enemy supposed to be putting gas generators in position. On duty last night, attack expected but did not materialise. Kentish howitzers plugging away at intervals all night. Jerky rifle fire rising and falling spasmodically. The genuine attack rises in one loud rolling roar of rifle fire like a hail storm on iron roofs.

Unwanted Luxuries
Myself and Gil went down the hill
and bought two tins of peaches.
We ate one fill, but I got ill
And Gilly had dry reaches!
Sleep can only be matched for minutes at a time in the trenches, what with “stand to”, false alarms, and changing watch. To a drowsy ear the trench noises resemble the banging of doors, rattling of windows, and crackling of whips in a windy, rickety old house. Bought some curry roots from a cook of the Indian Mountain Battery. He pounded it up for me in his mortar – an unexploded shrapnel shell. Curry and rice for supper – fit for a king. Turks shelled and attacked Tommies this afternoon, on Left flank – repulsed with loss of 40 killed.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

22 July 1915

The gallant Colonel leaves us again after a very short visit. One of D coys blows his finger off. (This kind of accident is getting very frequent.) One of C Coy blows off a thumb.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

21 July 1915

Rumoured that Turks have brought their strength up to 100000 by Reinf. Mostly raw recruits. German general on Southern Front superceded by Turkish. This morning Paddy (Granville) Grenfield of D Coy, got tired of life and blew the top of his head off. Irrational thing to do here, for there is sudden death to be had from Johnny Turk for the asking.

Monday, 20 July 2015

20 July 1915

The “Leads” not satisfied with progress of sapping. Reckon rate of 1 foot per hour in cut 2 feet 6 each by 6 feet should be maintained. But how can men work on this tucker and with broken rest. One engineer Lance-jack said his team at Quinn’s post drove in seven feet per shift. Liar! Quick of D Co hit in back by shrapnel on road.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

19 July 1915

Colonel Lee Back again. Promotion in 9th - Sgts. Carson, Koch, Findley, Perries to be Lieuts. More bombarding “down South”.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

18 July 1915

Heavy guns engaged early this morning down on Southern front. Aeroplane “spotting” for our howitzers over Quinns Post and Walker’s Ridge. Gen Birchwood and staff  “inspected” our lines this morning. Sight 8 inch howitzers belonging to 4th Kent R.F.A. being placed into position in gully below us. Naval siege gun is mounted in stout little sandbag fort and will soon be ready for action now. My rifle, 7266 which was issued to me at Enoggera struck by piece of shrapnel which shattered wood work. In exchange from Armourer I have a battered old rifle, rusty, gritty and stiff in the bolt. Shell-fire from centre is bursting over I.M.B. and enfilading our lines again this evening. Two men hit.

Friday, 17 July 2015

17 July 1915

Water problem is still serious. Tramped down to beach and up Shrapnel Gully without success; came back with empty bottles. German aeroplane dropped two bombs early this morning - one on shrapnel green (this one failed to explode) the other on the beach. During “Tommies” attacks on Achi Baba and Kerivies Dere [Kereves Dere] 12th to 14th inst. a Scotch Battalion, after taking a trench 300 yds long in centre, advanced over crest and was seen .no more. Turks re-occupying first trench. First night another battalion went forward and also disappeared over the hill after retaking the trench. Within an hour Johnny Turk was again manning the trench, and communication was again cut off. British staff bewildered by this disappearance of two regiments, but mystery cleared up following night when detachments came fighting their way back – an astonishing performance, like Jonah issuing from the Whale’s belly. Ration issue of rice.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

16 July 2015

Olive Grove battery which has accounted for 600 men along beach in 12 weeks, is being well peppered this afternoon by Monitor. Great clouds of dust rising from their position. Shrapnel dropping over Indiana Mountain. Battery is annoying us again. So far today 3 wounded from this direction. Mate scored a tin of Ideal milk from Serg Dewar – what a luxury

Although I need a decent feed
And feel damn weak and funny
The beach is “dry” there’s naught to buy
So what’s the use of money?

Inoculated once more against Cholera. Two more hit on road in last half hour - one seriously. There are more casualties (on the average day) behind the firing line than there are in the trenches. It seems rotten policy to have men drilling and working in exposed places just as dangerous on account of shrapnel as the front trenches are from snipers. Deasley – who said they would never get him – hit by sniper while carrying clay. Lieut. Kerr, who is one of the just returned wounded, hit in stomach by shrapnel. Died 11pm

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

15 July 1915

15th Snipers busy again. Caught by Darky Goddard this morning – rather severe wound in jaw and arm. Bullet came through loop hole. Squad with Lieut Benson left in Imbros as body guard for Gen Hamilton, a soft job. Payday today and the nap schools are in full swing buying up the 10/- notes. “Backsheesh” issue of cigarettes, a gift from Vicars – London. Loose shell on beach – the toll of the beach is mounting up. Serg.t Dewar back.
Paid  10/- in English Paper money

Monday, 13 July 2015

14 July 1915

Big parcel post -tasted piece of cake - what a novelty! Btn being inoculated against cholera. Abdul sent over a late shell at dusk. Was standing on wharf down at beach when it whistled just over my head and struck a barge behind. The whole beach front was crowded with swimmers who all stampeded for safety. When the stretcher bearer brought off the wounded we saw that only four had been hit. One poor devil had both legs hanging by shreds of skin and muscle - a terrible sight. Said to be Dr Campbell of 8th L.H. Another had foot blown off. Others were not hit. Shell was high explosive - it was a fluke shot for if it had struck the water instead of the barge it would have been harmless. Saw Lieut Doug Fraser tonight on beach.

13 July 1915

Fatigue party is bringing up Naval Long Tom (4.7) should shake up “Beachy Bill” when placed in position. Reported that Ghurkas are on summit of Achi Baba but no visible sign of them. Another uneasy night - jerky rattle of rifle fire all night, reserves standing to. Did 12 hours duty all day.

12 July 1915

A big move expected shortly. 10th are back from Imbros, also other Batns. Demonstration at 8am by 12th Batn Supported by our rifle and machine gun fire. Big assault in progress on Achi Baba continuous roar of artillery and dust is rising along the ridge in heavy clouds. Mail for me, a letter from Effie announcing death of Uncle Angus McMaster on May 19th. Another rally tonight along centre. Intermittent outbreak of firing.

11 July 1915

Young Galway shot sniper (I observed for him. Turk thrown right out of his hole by explosion) in tunnel under Turk's trench. Shot caused small explosion - probably bomb. W Foster firing in evening through same loop hole, had finger of left hand almost severed by explosive bullet. Down on beach bathing, got some packets of cocoa from patrol boats crew. Cruiser bombarding again today aided by captive balloon and aeroplane. Strips of canvas laid on ground in shape of various letters used to communicate with observer. Last night took message round to 11th Btn, down through long sap Pitch dark had to feel my way along sides of trench, very steep and narrow. New firing line not yet completed, so 11th lie out in front of their trenches at night. I could not find their officer. He was out in front with patrol. I groped about for some time along the gully before I came up to them. One sentry nearly pushed his bayonet into me.This evening shrapnel caught some of the 10th Reinf. 1 killed shot through heart. Turk blew up two of our trenches.

9 July 1915

Parcel from home containing knitted belt – rather warm for this weather, but will be appreciated later on. Sharp rattle of machine-gun, rather like noisy motor bikes - about nine o’clock. On duty 1600 – 2400.

Friday, 10 July 2015

10 July 1915

Round to NZ flank. Saw C Cowan, Ernie Snushall, T Horgan. Heard Punch Houblan had hand blown off by bomb. W Wall, Stan Robinson killed on Southern Front. 2nd Aus Bde lost 1600 that day.Trenches here closer than on our flanks. Dead Turks lying right up to trench, which is crawling with maggots. Stench awful. Such is war. Cruiser bombarding this evening. Heard from Sig Crawford of 15th that Nugget Trevena was wounded in chest by shrapnel on beach

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

8 July 1915

On duty 0800 to 1600. Some shelling from Beachy Bill and howitzer in centre. Dug another possé. Much discontent among Non-Coms and men since Capt Campbell took charge of Coy. Some lost their stripes last week, another reverted to ranks today. Heard there was armistice on Southern Front. Turk lost 5000 between June 28th and July 2nd. 1st Bat returned after 8 days spell at Imbros. They had Fresh meat, veges, bread, no drill, plenty of sea bathing, no shrapnel to worry them – a complete change from trench life.

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

7 July 1915

Attack with heavy rifle fire at night in centre. Round at L.H. [Light Horse] inquiring if Scotty McLean killed in attack on Gaba Tepe. 5th L.H. lost 22 killed some by shell from monitor on that day.

Monday, 6 July 2015

6 July 1915

In support trenches. Letter from Mary dated 16th April. More shelling this evening. Some of the “Glesco” Territorials belonging to the Howitzer battery hit. 10th Btn leaving for Imbros tonight to spell. 16th left yesterday. Said that monitor silenced big howitzer (11 inch) this morning early, 10th Btn, who are spelling in the galleries, we left on Sunday, had 1 killed, 20 wounded by shrapnel this evening, narrow escape myself. Shell cap went “plunk” over my shoulder. Allen of 15th Platoon had finger cut off by sniper bullet while holding periscope. Flynn issued with loaded rifle blew off finger of left hand (another “accident”?)

Sunday, 5 July 2015

5 July 1915

4 hours sapping in ‘B’ tunnel which is a drive down into ‘Allah’ Gully. Is for an  outpost for observation and bomb throwers, and will be link with firing line on next ridge when completed. New howitzers brought up by enemy throwing eleven inch shell. Fired 4 rounds into Shrapnel gully, but not yet located by our Artillery. Had a great win tonight. Discovered parcel of tinned stuff for sale on beach, and bought the lot – pineapple and salmon 2/- a tin, jam 1/-. Hurried back to the trenches and we had a feast right away. Maori contingent landed, a fine body of men. Searched up Walkers gully searching for Gabities brother among NZ boys without success. Sadd-a-bahr heavily bombarded from Asiatic and Kilid Bahr sea base followed by attack which cost Turks 500 killed. 12 inch shells came from Turkish battleship in Straits. One lobbed near Indians in Shrapnel Gully. Issued with a few dates – 6 per man

Saturday, 4 July 2015

4 July 1915

Resting all day. A big mail but nothing for me. Cruiser shelled some objective in direction of Chana early this morning. Two mines exploded on crest of Achi Baba at noon. How constantly and wistfully we watch the top of that ridge waiting for the Tommies to come over. Trenches along this Brigade much battered about by shellfire today. Two of ours wounded. Saw one killed around corner, part of 11th Btn.

Friday, 3 July 2015

3 July 1915

Four hours sapping then in firing line all night. Miserable night as there was not sufficient room to lie down and sleep is impossible. Heavy shower of rain. Turkish sniper knocked sandbag out of loophole and also nearly hit periscope. Heard patrol dogs barking and the cry of Turks wounded by some Lyddide the destroyers poured in.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

2 July 1915

 Two of D Coy hit by shrapnel, one Lake, broken arm. More heavy firing on Achi Baba. Shower at night, “Stand to” at 3am. On duty all night.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

1 July 1915

 9th relieved 10th Btn in their line of trenches. 13th Platoon in firing line. Viewed ridges in front through periscope as snipers busy. Counted nine bodies of our boys lying on slope in a small space. Boots and tunics, equipment etc. stripped off them. On Monday some of them got right up to the Turks trench, and are lying out there still just as they fell. The trench can be enfiladed from Gala Tepe, so if we are bombarded things will be lively in here. One of C. Coy wounded by shrapnel already. Large numbers of NZ wounded on beach last night. Heard that many Turks captured at Quinns Post. All Jettys except the new Pier washed away by high wind and sea.

Inscription on a grave on Shrapnel Green:-
Reflect, old friend, as you pass by,
As you are now, so once was I,
As I am now, so you shall be,
Prepare you then to follow me.

Saw Pearcy of C Coy brought out of firing line with trigger finger blown off – accidentally (?). Reported that Turks lost 1500 killed on Achi Baba last night.

Grave Inscription on Shrapnel Green

Inscription on a grave on Shrapnel Green:-
Reflect, old friend, as you pass by,
As you are now, so once was I,
As I am now, so you shall be,
Prepare you then to follow me.