Wednesday, 1 July 2015

1 July 1915

 9th relieved 10th Btn in their line of trenches. 13th Platoon in firing line. Viewed ridges in front through periscope as snipers busy. Counted nine bodies of our boys lying on slope in a small space. Boots and tunics, equipment etc. stripped off them. On Monday some of them got right up to the Turks trench, and are lying out there still just as they fell. The trench can be enfiladed from Gala Tepe, so if we are bombarded things will be lively in here. One of C. Coy wounded by shrapnel already. Large numbers of NZ wounded on beach last night. Heard that many Turks captured at Quinns Post. All Jettys except the new Pier washed away by high wind and sea.

Inscription on a grave on Shrapnel Green:-
Reflect, old friend, as you pass by,
As you are now, so once was I,
As I am now, so you shall be,
Prepare you then to follow me.

Saw Pearcy of C Coy brought out of firing line with trigger finger blown off – accidentally (?). Reported that Turks lost 1500 killed on Achi Baba last night.

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