Tuesday, 2 June 2015

2 June, 1915

Another rather quiet night on our flank, but centre heavily shelled, with shrapnel, high explosive and bombs. 15th Btn are now only 360 strong, reinforcements included, and have been withdrawn to the beach. Some hundreds of Turks were mown down at Courtney’s and Quinn’s posts Friday night by machine guns. The bright moonlight assisting our gunners to pour belt after belt into the bee-like stream of attackers.
This morning enemy's guns sounded uncomfortably close, Our artillery seemed unable to keep them in check and rarely replies to Abdul's raking fire. There is incompetence somewhere. The cheeky little destroyers, with cool impudence, draw the enemy's fire daily, and are of great assistance on our flank. At dinnertime today the enemy committed a gross crime in deliberately firing on a newly arrived hospital ship. She is painted white, with green bands, and red cross conspicuous, and was well away from the rest of the shipping, so there can be absolutely no doubt about the intention of the gunners. In all four shrapnel were fired at the boat one bursting right above her, with what effect we do not yet know.[Surprising incident, as the Turk fights fair as a rule]
It is reported that a destroyer has rammed a submarine but not yet confirmed. Took off puttees and boots for a while this evening - quite a luxury, but dressed again before turning in. Heavy rifle fire again in centre after dark, with muffled explosives.

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