Sunday, 28 June 2015

28 June 1915

Big bombardment on Achi Baba at 12.15 pm B and C coy 9th Bn supplied firing party to join in attack on Turkish trenches. We came back at 4 pm. Casualties not yet known, but saw many wounded. Glennie badly wounded, young Gabites missing. Men are dissatisfied with the operation, as no one was told what to do. The thing seems to have been bungled. D Coy was standing to in support. Poor old Corporal Joe Woodsby (the finest non-com in the 4th Reinf.) was killed early in the action. Also Farance, Sergt. Rainsbury hit in back. Volunteered for party, to go out and bring in wounded – hope we are allowed to go.
Heard this corporal’s evidence at enquiry. When he left the position his section had taken up he was the only one able to get back. All the rest were either dead or wounded.
Crawley wounded, but heard he got in after dark, having include 2 more?. Sg. Hepburn killed, Major Welsh wounded, Lieu Jordain and many others. Casualties total over 140 in B and C Coys. Mon. 4th Reinf. killed Collier, McDonald, Glennie (died of wounds). Wounded - Serg. Warner, Comalleth, big “Bung”.
Heard from Corporal Brown of C. Coy that he saw Gabites lying badly wounded with foot shot off in firing line. He spoke to him when company retired, but he did not answer. Volunteer search party was not allowed to go out by Brigadier. Hepburn, Hamilton, Sullivan Quartermaster Harvey killed, 20 missing

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